- 樂澀桶:導演是森田宏幸, 但是畫風還是不那麽宮崎駿, 不過他就是製片人, 嘿嘿
- 睡覺大王·j·:雖然是翻拍,但是最後的處理的確又有獨到的地方
- 老孫家的大彬:有點中國版《再見列寧》的意思,終究還是淺了些。
- 米小塵:“we hope you enjoy this film,the ups and downs,the laughter and tears,and now it’s time to go back in to real life,but thank you very much for your attention and for giving these precious minutes of your life to think about this movie’s ideas……”
- 哎呦迷糊:以前吧,以前至少知道因為什麽坐牢。